
open class AxisManager

Manages a chart’s axes, setting their bounds and drawing them.

See also


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object Companion


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Adds the AxisRenderers controlled by this AxisManager to the given MutableList of ChartInsetters.

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Called after the associated Chart is drawn. This forwards a call to all Axis subclasses that causes them to be drawn above the chart.

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Called before the associated Chart is drawn. This forwards a call to all Axis subclasses that causes them to be drawn behind the chart.

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fun setAxes(startAxis: AxisRenderer<AxisPosition.Vertical.Start>? = this.startAxis, topAxis: AxisRenderer<AxisPosition.Horizontal.Top>? = this.topAxis, endAxis: AxisRenderer<AxisPosition.Vertical.End>? = this.endAxis, bottomAxis: AxisRenderer<AxisPosition.Horizontal.Bottom>? = this.bottomAxis)

Sets the axes managed by this AxisManager.

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fun setAxesBounds(measureContext: MeasureContext, contentBounds: RectF, chartBounds: RectF, insets: Insets)

Sets each axis’s bounds.