
open class ColumnChart(var columns: List<LineComponent>, var spacingDp: Float = DefaultDimens.COLUMN_OUTSIDE_SPACING, var innerSpacingDp: Float = DefaultDimens.COLUMN_INSIDE_SPACING, var mergeMode: ColumnChart.MergeMode = MergeMode.Grouped, var targetVerticalAxisPosition: AxisPosition.Vertical? = null, var dataLabel: TextComponent? = null, var dataLabelVerticalPosition: VerticalPosition = VerticalPosition.Top, var dataLabelValueFormatter: ValueFormatter = DecimalFormatValueFormatter(), var dataLabelRotationDegrees: Float = 0.0f, var drawingModelInterpolator: DrawingModelInterpolator<ColumnChartDrawingModel.ColumnInfo, ColumnChartDrawingModel> = DefaultDrawingModelInterpolator()) : BaseChart<ChartEntryModel>

ColumnChart displays data as vertical bars. It can group and stack columns.



the LineComponent instances to use for columns. This list is iterated through as many times as necessary for each column collection. If the list contains a single element, all columns have the same appearance.


the distance between neighboring column collections.


the distance between neighboring grouped columns.


defines how columns should be drawn in column collections.


if this is set, any AxisRenderer with an AxisPosition equal to the provided value will use the ChartValues provided by this chart. This is meant to be used with ComposedChart.


an optional TextComponent to use for data labels.


the vertical position of data labels relative to the top of their respective columns.


the ValueFormatter to use for data labels.


the rotation of data labels (in degrees).


interpolates the ColumnChart’s ColumnChartDrawingModels.


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constructor(column: LineComponent, spacingDp: Float = DefaultDimens.COLUMN_OUTSIDE_SPACING, targetVerticalAxisPosition: AxisPosition.Vertical? = null)

Creates a ColumnChart with a common style for all columns.


Creates a ColumnChart instance with columns set to an empty list. The list must be populated before the chart is drawn.

constructor(columns: List<LineComponent>, spacingDp: Float = DefaultDimens.COLUMN_OUTSIDE_SPACING, innerSpacingDp: Float = DefaultDimens.COLUMN_INSIDE_SPACING, mergeMode: ColumnChart.MergeMode = MergeMode.Grouped, targetVerticalAxisPosition: AxisPosition.Vertical? = null, dataLabel: TextComponent? = null, dataLabelVerticalPosition: VerticalPosition = VerticalPosition.Top, dataLabelValueFormatter: ValueFormatter = DecimalFormatValueFormatter(), dataLabelRotationDegrees: Float = 0.0f, drawingModelInterpolator: DrawingModelInterpolator<ColumnChartDrawingModel.ColumnInfo, ColumnChartDrawingModel> = DefaultDrawingModelInterpolator())


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Defines how a ColumnChart should draw columns in column collections.


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Links x-axis values to Marker.EntryModels. A Marker.EntryModel holds the data needed to draw a Marker.

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Provides the Chart’s ModelTransformer.

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open override fun updateChartValues(chartValuesManager: ChartValuesManager, model: ChartEntryModel, xStep: Float?)

Updates the ChartValues stored in the provided ChartValuesManager instance to this Chart’s ChartValues.

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open override fun updateHorizontalDimensions(context: MeasureContext, horizontalDimensions: MutableHorizontalDimensions, model: ChartEntryModel)

Updates the chart’s MutableHorizontalDimensions instance.