
Defines the minimal set of properties and functions required by other parts of the library to draw a chart.



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abstract class ModelTransformer<in Model>

Transforms Models into DrawingModels.

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Overrides the minimum and maximum x-axis and y-axis values. In the case of ColumnCharts and LineCharts contained in ComposedCharts, these overrides can be applied to one vertical axis instead of both. Use ColumnChart.targetVerticalAxisPosition and LineChart.targetVerticalAxisPosition for this purpose.

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A Collection of the ChartInsetters that are part of this Chart. Each ChartInsetter can influence the final layout of the chart and its components.

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Links x-axis values to Marker.EntryModels. A Marker.EntryModel holds the data needed to draw a Marker.

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abstract var maxX: Float?

The maximum value shown on the x-axis. If Model implements ChartEntryModel, and maxX is not null, this overrides ChartEntryModel.maxX.

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abstract var maxY: Float?

The maximum value shown on the y-axis. If Model implements ChartEntryModel, and maxY is not null, this overrides ChartEntryModel.maxY.

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abstract var minX: Float?

The minimum value shown on the x-axis. If Model implements ChartEntryModel, and minX is not null, this overrides ChartEntryModel.minX.

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abstract var minY: Float?

The minimum value shown on the y-axis. If Model implements ChartEntryModel, and minY is not null, this overrides ChartEntryModel.minY.


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abstract fun addDecoration(decoration: Decoration): Boolean

Adds a Decoration to this Chart.

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Adds each Decoration from decorations to this Chart.

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abstract fun addPersistentMarker(x: Float, marker: Marker)

Adds a persistent Marker to this Chart. The Marker will be anchored to the given x value on the x-axis.

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abstract fun drawNonScrollableContent(context: ChartDrawContext, model: Model)

Responsible for drawing any decorations placed above the chart, as well as persistent markers.

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abstract fun drawScrollableContent(context: ChartDrawContext, model: Model)

Responsible for drawing the chart itself and any decorations behind it.

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Combines this Chart with another one to create a ComposedChart.

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abstract fun removeDecoration(decoration: Decoration): Boolean

Removes a Decoration from this Chart.

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open fun removeDecorations(decorations: List<Decoration>): Boolean

Removes each Decoration from decorations from this Chart.

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abstract fun removePersistentMarker(x: Float)

Removes a persistent Marker from this Chart.

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abstract fun setDecorations(decorations: List<Decoration>)

Replaces the current list of decorations with the provided decorations.

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abstract fun setPersistentMarkers(markers: Map<Float, Marker>)

Replaces the current map of markers with the provided markers.

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abstract fun updateChartValues(chartValuesManager: ChartValuesManager, model: Model, xStep: Float?)

Updates the ChartValues stored in the provided ChartValuesManager instance to this Chart’s ChartValues.

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abstract fun updateHorizontalDimensions(context: MeasureContext, horizontalDimensions: MutableHorizontalDimensions, model: Model)

Updates the chart’s MutableHorizontalDimensions instance.