inline fun List<ChartEntry>.forEachInAbsolutelyIndexed(range: ClosedFloatingPointRange<Float>, action: (Int, ChartEntry) -> Unit)
This is no longer used.
For each ChartEntry in the list such that ChartEntry.x belongs to the provided range, calls the action function block with the ChartEntry and its index in the list as the block’s arguments.
inline fun List<ChartEntry>.forEachInAbsolutelyIndexed(range: ClosedFloatingPointRange<Float>, action: (Int, ChartEntry, ChartEntry?) -> Unit)
This is no longer used.
For each ChartEntry in the list such that ChartEntry.x belongs to the provided range, calls the action function block with the ChartEntry, its index in the list, and the next ChartEntry in the filtered list as the block’s arguments.