
MeasureContext holds data used by various chart components during the measuring and drawing phases.



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abstract val canvasBounds: RectF

The bounds of the canvas that will be used to draw the chart and its components.

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Provides the chart’s ChartValues instances.

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abstract val density: Float

The pixel density.

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Defines how the chart’s content is positioned horizontally.

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Whether horizontal scrolling is enabled.

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abstract val isLtr: Boolean

Whether the layout direction is left-to-right.

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A multiplier used to ensure support for both left-to-right and right-to-left layouts. Values such as translation deltas are multiplied by this value. layoutDirectionMultiplier is equal to 1f if isLtr is true, and -1f otherwise.

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open val Float.pixels: Float

The number of pixels corresponding to this number of density-independent pixels.

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The number of pixels corresponding to this number of density-independent pixels, with decimal values discarded.


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open fun dpToPx(dp: Float): Float

Converts the provided dimension from dp to px.

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fun MeasureContext.getAutoZoom(horizontalDimensions: HorizontalDimensions, chartBounds: RectF, autoScaleUp: AutoScaleUp): Float

Returns the automatic zoom factor for a chart.

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fun MeasureContext.getMaxScrollDistance(chartWidth: Float, horizontalDimensions: HorizontalDimensions, zoom: Float? = null): Float

Returns the maximum scroll distance.

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abstract fun reset()

Removes all stored extras.

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abstract fun spToPx(sp: Float): Float

Converts the provided dimension from sp to px.

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open fun toFontSize(sp: Float): Float

Converts the provided dimension from sp to px.

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open fun toPixels(dp: Float): Float

Converts the provided dimension from dp to px.