A ChartModelProducer implementation that generates ComposedChartEntryModel instances.
See also
Handles data updates. An initially empty list of data sets is created and can be updated via the class’s functions. Each data set corresponds to a single nested Chart.
Creates a Transaction instance.
Returns the ChartEntryModel or, if no ChartEntryModel is available, null
Checks if an update listener with the given key is registered.
Registers an update listener associated with a key. cancelAnimation and startAnimation are called after a data update is requested, with cancelAnimation being called before the update starts being processed (at which point transformModel should stop being used), and startAnimation being called once the update has been processed (at which point it’s safe to use transformModel). updateChartValues updates the chart’s ChartValues and returns its ChartValuesProvider. onModelCreated is called when a new Model has been generated.
Registers an update listener associated with a key. cancelAnimation and startAnimation are called after a data update is requested, with cancelAnimation being called before the update starts being processed, and startAnimation being called once the update has been processed. updateChartValues updates the chart’s ChartValues and returns its ChartValuesProvider. onModelCreated is called when a new Model has been generated.
Creates a Transaction, runs block, and calls Transaction.commit, returning its output. For suspending behavior, use runTransactionSuspending.
Creates a Transaction, runs block, and calls Transaction.commitSuspending, returning its output.
Creates an intermediate ChartEntryModel for difference animations. fraction is the balance between the initial and target ChartEntryModels.
Unregisters the update listener associated with the given key.