Package-level declarations


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The value of the alpha channel of this color.

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The smallest whole Float greater than or equal to this value.

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The hex code for this color.

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Two times this value.

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The largest whole Float smaller than or equal to this value.

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val Int.half: Int

Half of this value.

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Returns the height of a single line of text.

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The median of the values in this range.

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val Int?.orZero: Int

This value as an integer if this value is not null, or zero otherwise.

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This value as an integer if this value is not null, or zero otherwise.

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const val PI_RAD: Float = 180.0f

The number of degrees equivalent to π radians.

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180 degrees (π radians) times this value.

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This value rounded to the nearest whole Float.

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Returns the height of text.


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An SDK version-dependant compat function for appending text to SpannableStringBuilder and setting the span.

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Overlays the given color with DrawContext.elevationOverlayColor, changing the opacity of DrawContext.elevationOverlayColor depending on the value of elevationDp.

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fun RectF.clear()

Sets all coordinates of this RectF to 0.

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Creates a new RectF with the same coordinates as this RectF without modifying this RectF.

Creates a copy of this ArrayList and each child ArrayList contained in this ArrayList.

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fun Int.copyColor(alpha: Float = this.extractColorChannel(ALPHA_BIT_SHIFT) / MAX_HEX_VALUE, red: Float = this.extractColorChannel(RED_BIT_SHIFT) / MAX_HEX_VALUE, green: Float = this.extractColorChannel(GREEN_BIT_SHIFT) / MAX_HEX_VALUE, blue: Float = this.extractColorChannel(BLUE_BIT_SHIFT) / MAX_HEX_VALUE): Int
fun Int.copyColor(alpha: Int = this.extractColorChannel(ALPHA_BIT_SHIFT), red: Int = this.extractColorChannel(RED_BIT_SHIFT), green: Int = this.extractColorChannel(GREEN_BIT_SHIFT), blue: Int = this.extractColorChannel(BLUE_BIT_SHIFT)): Int

Copies this color, updating any or all of the color channels.

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fun firstNonNegativeOf(vararg floats: Float): Float?

The first non-negative value of the values provided, or null if none of the values is non-negative.

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inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.forEachIndexedExtended(selector: (index: Int, isFirst: Boolean, isLast: Boolean, value: T) -> Unit)

Calls the selector function for each element in the collection, providing the index of the element and Booleans indicating whether the element is the first or last element in the collection.

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Returns that of the Marker.EntryModels stored in the Map whose x-axis map key is the closest to the Point.x value.

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fun RectF.getEnd(isLtr: Boolean): Float

Returns RectF.right if isLtr is true, and RectF.left otherwise.

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Returns those of the Marker.EntryModels stored in the Map whose ChartEntry.x is equal to xValue.

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inline fun <T, V> T.getFieldValue(fieldName: String): V

Returns the value of the field with the specified name. This involves temporarily setting the accessible flag to true.

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Returns RectF.left if isLtr is true, and RectF.right otherwise.

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fun Int.hasAnyFlagOf(vararg flags: Int): Boolean

Whether this value contains any of the provided bit flags.

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fun Int.hasFlag(flag: Int): Boolean

Whether this value contains the provided bit flag.

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inline fun <T1, T2, R> ifNotNull(t1: T1?, t2: T2?, onNotNull: (T1, T2) -> R): R?

Calls the specified function block with t1 and t2 as its arguments if t1 and t2 are not null. Returns the function block’s result if it was called, and null if it wasn’t.

inline fun <T1, T2, T3, R> ifNotNull(t1: T1?, t2: T2?, t3: T3?, onNotNull: (T1, T2, T3) -> R): R?

Calls the specified function block with t1, t2, and t3 as its arguments if t1, t2, and t3 are not null. Returns the function block’s result if it was called, and null if it wasn’t.

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inline fun Canvas.inClip(rect: RectF, block: () -> Unit)

Clips the given rect in the receiver Canvas, runs the block, and releases the clip.

inline fun Canvas.inClip(left: Float, top: Float, right: Float, bottom: Float, block: () -> Unit)

Clips the given rectangle in the receiver Canvas, runs the block, and releases the clip.

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Returns the width of the provided text.

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fun <T> mutableListOf(sourceCollection: Collection<T>): MutableList<T>

Creates a MutableList containing all elements of the specified source collection.

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inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.rangeOfOrNull(selector: (T) -> Float): ClosedFloatingPointRange<Float>?

Calls the selector function for each value in the collection and returns the range of the produced values.

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Calls the selector function for each value in the collection and returns the range of the produced values.

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Creates a range from this value to the provided value or from the provided value to this value, depending on which value is larger.

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fun RectF.rotate(degrees: Float): RectF

Creates a RectF representing the bounding box of this RectF rotated by the provided number of degrees.

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fun Canvas.saveLayer(left: Float, top: Float, right: Float, bottom: Float): Int

A convenience function for Canvas.saveLayer.

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fun RectF.set(left: Number, top: Number, right: Number, bottom: Number)

Sets the coordinates of this RectF to the provided values converted to Floats.

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fun <T> MutableList<T>.setAll(other: Array<out T>)

Replaces all of the elements of this MutableList with the elements of the provided array.

fun <T> MutableList<T>.setAll(other: Collection<T>)

Replaces all of the elements of this MutableList with the elements of the provided collection.

fun <K, V> MutableMap<K, V>.setAll(other: Map<K, V>)

Replaces all of the elements of this MutableMap with the elements of the provided map.

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fun RectF.setAndRotate(left: Number, top: Number, right: Number, bottom: Number, rotationDegrees: Float): RectF

Applies the provided coordinates to this RectF and rotates it by the given number of degrees.

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fun Drawable.setBounds(left: Float, top: Float, right: Float, bottom: Float)

Sets a bounding box for this Drawable.

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inline fun <T, V> T.setFieldValue(fieldName: String, value: V)

Updates the value of the field with the specified name to the given value. This involves temporarily setting the accessible flag to true.

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For each child ArrayList contained in this ArrayList, replaces the elements of the child ArrayList with the elements of the corresponding Collection from the provided List. The child ArrayList and Collection are associated by index. If a given child ArrayList contained in this ArrayList has no corresponding Collection in the provided List, the child ArrayList will be cleared. If the size of this ArrayList is smaller than the size of the provided List, an appropriate number of empty child ArrayLists will first be added to this ArrayList.

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Converts the provided dimension from sp to px.

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inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.sumByFloat(selector: (T) -> Float): Float

Calls the selector function for each value in the collection and returns the sum of the produced Floats.

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inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.sumOf(selector: (T) -> Float): Float

Calls the selector function for each value in the collection and returns the sum of the produced values.

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fun <T> Iterable<T>.transformToSpannable(separator: CharSequence = ", ", prefix: CharSequence = "", postfix: CharSequence = "", limit: Int = -1, truncated: CharSequence = "…", transform: SpannableStringBuilder.(T) -> Unit): Spannable

Converts the receiver Iterable to a Spannable.

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Moves this RectF horizontally and vertically by the specified distances.

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fun <K, V> TreeMap<K, MutableList<V>>.updateAll(other: Map<K, List<V>>)

Updates the receiver TreeMap with the contents of another Map.

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fun RectF.updateBounds(left: Float = this.left, top: Float =, right: Float = this.right, bottom: Float = this.bottom)

Updates the coordinates of this RectF.

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fun RectF.updateBy(left: Float = 0.0f, top: Float = 0.0f, right: Float = 0.0f, bottom: Float = 0.0f)

Increments the coordinates of this RectF by the provided values.