Package-level declarations


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fun TypedArray.getColorExtended(@StyleableRes index: Int, @ColorInt defaultColor: Int = Color.TRANSPARENT): Int

Retrieves the color at the given index.

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fun TypedArray.getFraction(@StyleableRes index: Int, defaultValue: Float = -1f): Float

Retrieves the fraction at the given index as a Float.

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fun TypedArray.getNestedTypedArray(context: Context, @StyleableRes resourceId: Int, @StyleableRes styleableResourceId: IntArray): TypedArray

Returns a TypedArray nested inside the receiver TypedArray.

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fun TypedArray.getRawDimension(context: Context, @StyleableRes index: Int, defaultValue: Float): Float

Returns a dimension converted to pixels from a complex unit (such as dp or sp), and divides it by the pixel density of the screen.

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Returns the type of the value at the given index.

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Returns a boolean indicating whether the value at the given index is a fraction.

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inline fun <R> TypedArray.use(block: (TypedArray) -> R): R

Calls the given function block with this TypedArray as its argument, then recycles this TypedArray.