
interface ChartInsetter

Enables a component to add insets to Charts to make room for itself. This is used by Axis, Marker, and the like.



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open fun getHorizontalInsets(context: MeasureContext, availableHeight: Float, outInsets: HorizontalInsets)

Called during the measurement phase, after getInsets. Only horizontal insets can be requested from this function. Unless the available height is of interest, getInsets can be used to set all insets. The final inset for a given edge of the associated Chart is the largest of the insets requested for the edge.

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open fun getInsets(context: MeasureContext, outInsets: Insets, horizontalDimensions: HorizontalDimensions)

Called during the measurement phase, before getHorizontalInsets. Both horizontal and vertical insets can be requested from this function. The final inset for a given edge of the associated Chart is the largest of the insets requested for the edge.