Package-level declarations


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Overrides a chart’s minimum and maximum x-axis and y-axis values. This can be used with com.patrykandpatrick.vico.views.chart.BaseChartView and the com.patrykandpatrick.vico.compose.chart.Chart composable.

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interface ChartValues

Where Charts get their data from.

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Manages the ChartValues used by a chart. There may be many ChartValues, but all of them have the same ChartValues.minX and ChartValues.maxX values. The following ChartValues instances exist in a chart:

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Provides a chart’s ChartValues instances.

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An implementation of ChartValues whose every property is mutable.


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Creates and returns a ChartValuesProvider implementation with this ChartValuesManager’s ChartValues instances.

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Creates and returns an immutable copy of this MutableChartValues instance.