
data class MutableMeasureContext(val canvasBounds: RectF, var density: Float, var isLtr: Boolean, var isHorizontalScrollEnabled: Boolean = false, var horizontalLayout: HorizontalLayout = HorizontalLayout.Segmented, var spToPx: (Float) -> Float, var chartValuesProvider: ChartValuesProvider) : MeasureContext, Extras

A MeasureContext implementation that facilitates the mutation of some of its properties.


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constructor(canvasBounds: RectF, density: Float, isLtr: Boolean, isHorizontalScrollEnabled: Boolean = false, horizontalLayout: HorizontalLayout = HorizontalLayout.Segmented, spToPx: (Float) -> Float, chartValuesProvider: ChartValuesProvider)


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open override val canvasBounds: RectF

The bounds of the canvas that will be used to draw the chart and its components.

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Provides the chart’s ChartValues instances.

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open override var density: Float

The pixel density.

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Defines how the chart’s content is positioned horizontally.

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Whether horizontal scrolling is enabled.

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open override var isLtr: Boolean

Whether the layout direction is left-to-right.

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open override fun reset()

Removes all stored extras.

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open override fun spToPx(sp: Float): Float

Converts the provided dimension from sp to px.