Package-level declarations


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interface ChartEntry

The base for a single chart entry rendered by Chart subclasses. It holds information about the location of the chart entry on the x-axis and y-axis.

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interface ChartEntryModel

Contains the data for a Chart. Pre-calculates values needed for the rendering of the Chart.

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class ChartEntryModelProducer(entryCollections: List<List<ChartEntry>>? = null, dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.Default) : ChartModelProducer<ChartEntryModel>

A ChartModelProducer implementation that generates ChartEntryModel instances.

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Generates ChartEntryModels and handles difference animations.

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data class FloatEntry(val x: Float, val y: Float) : ChartEntry

The default implementation of ChartEntry.


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fun entriesOf(vararg yValues: Number): List<FloatEntry>

Creates a List of FloatEntry instances out of an array of y-axis values.

fun entriesOf(vararg pairs: Pair<Number, Number>): List<FloatEntry>

Creates a List of FloatEntry instances. Each of the provided Pairs corresponds to a single FloatEntry, with the first element of the Pair being the FloatEntry’s x coordinate, and the second element of the Pair being the FloatEntry’s y coordinate.

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fun entryModelOf(vararg values: Number): ChartEntryModel

Creates a ChartEntryModel out of the provided array of numbers, treating each number’s index as the x value, and the number itself as the y value.

Creates a ChartEntryModel out of the given pairs of numbers, treating the first number in each pair as the x value, and the second one as the y value.

Creates a ChartEntryModel out of the provided list of list of FloatEntry instances.

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Creates a FloatEntry instance.