Package-level declarations


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fun interface AdditionScope<E>

Facilitates adding elements to a collection.

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interface Bounded

Defines an abstract component that has some physical bounds.

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data class Dimensions(val startDp: Float = 0.0f, val topDp: Float = 0.0f, val endDp: Float = 0.0f, val bottomDp: Float = 0.0f)

Defines the size of each edge of a rectangle. Used to store measurements such as padding or margin values.

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A MeasuringContext extension with a Canvas reference.

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class Fill

Stores fill properties.

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Used to apply horizontal insets.

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open class HorizontalLegend<M : MeasuringContext, D : DrawingContext>(items: AdditionScope<LegendItem>.(ExtraStore) -> Unit, iconSizeDp: Float, iconPaddingDp: Float, lineSpacingDp: Float = 0.0f, spacingDp: Float = 0.0f, padding: Dimensions = Dimensions.Empty) : Legend<M, D>

HorizontalLegend displays legend items beside one another in lines.

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Defines the horizontal position of a drawn object relative to a given point.

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Used to apply insets.

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open class LayeredComponent(rear: Component, front: Component, padding: Dimensions = Dimensions.Empty, margins: Dimensions = Dimensions.Empty) : Component

Draws two Components, rear and front, on top of each other. padding defines the padding between them.

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Defines the functions required by the library to draw a chart legend.

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open class LegendItem(val icon: Component, val labelComponent: TextComponent, val label: CharSequence)

Defines the appearance of an item of a Legend.

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Holds data used for measuring and drawing.

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open class MutableMeasuringContext(val canvasBounds: RectF, var density: Float, var isLtr: Boolean, var spToPx: (Float) -> Float) : MeasuringContext

A MeasuringContext implementation that facilitates the mutation of some of its properties.

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value class Point

Represents a point in a coordinate system.

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open class VerticalLegend<M : MeasuringContext, D : DrawingContext>(items: AdditionScope<LegendItem>.(ExtraStore) -> Unit, iconSizeDp: Float, iconPaddingDp: Float, spacingDp: Float = 0.0f, padding: Dimensions = Dimensions.Empty) : Legend<M, D>

VerticalLegend displays legend items in a vertical list.

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Defines the vertical position of a drawn object relative to a given point.


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fun Point(x: Float, y: Float): Point
fun Point(x: Int, y: Int): Point

Creates a new Point with the provided coordinates.