
class CandleInfo(val bodyBottomY: Float, val bodyTopY: Float, val bottomWickY: Float, val topWickY: Float) : CartesianLayerDrawingModel.DrawingInfo

Houses positional information for a CandlestickCartesianLayer’s candle. Each position is stored as a distance from the bottom of the CandlestickCartesianLayer. The distances are expressed as fractions of the CandlestickCartesianLayer’s height.


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constructor(bodyBottomY: Float, bodyTopY: Float, bottomWickY: Float, topWickY: Float)


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the position of the body’s bottom edge.

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the position of the body’s top edge.

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the position of the bottom wick’s bottom edge.

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the position of the top wick’s top edge.


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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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Returns an intermediate DrawingInfo implementation between this one and from. fraction is the balance between from and this DrawingInfo implementation, with 0 corresponding to from, and 1 corresponding to this DrawingInfo implementation. The returned object should be an instance of the DrawingInfo implementation to which this function belongs.