open class Line(fill: LineCartesianLayer.LineFill, val thicknessDp: Float = Defaults.LINE_SPEC_THICKNESS_DP, areaFill: LineCartesianLayer.AreaFill? = fill.getDefaultAreaFill(), cap: Paint.Cap = Paint.Cap.ROUND, val pointProvider: LineCartesianLayer.PointProvider? = null, val pointConnector: LineCartesianLayer.PointConnector = PointConnector.cubic(), val dataLabel: TextComponent? = null, val dataLabelVerticalPosition: VerticalPosition = VerticalPosition.Top, val dataLabelValueFormatter: CartesianValueFormatter = CartesianValueFormatter.decimal(), val dataLabelRotationDegrees: Float = 0.0f)
Defines the appearance of a line in a line chart.
the stroke cap.
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constructor(fill: LineCartesianLayer.LineFill, thicknessDp: Float = Defaults.LINE_SPEC_THICKNESS_DP, areaFill: LineCartesianLayer.AreaFill? = fill.getDefaultAreaFill(), cap: Paint.Cap = Paint.Cap.ROUND, pointProvider: LineCartesianLayer.PointProvider? = null, pointConnector: LineCartesianLayer.PointConnector = PointConnector.cubic(), dataLabel: TextComponent? = null, dataLabelVerticalPosition: VerticalPosition = VerticalPosition.Top, dataLabelValueFormatter: CartesianValueFormatter = CartesianValueFormatter.decimal(), dataLabelRotationDegrees: Float = 0.0f)
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used for the data labels.
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the data-label rotation (in degrees).
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formats the data-label values.
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the vertical position of the data labels relative to the points.
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connects the line’s points, thus defining its shape.
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provides the Points.
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the line thickness (in dp).
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fun draw(context: CartesianDrawingContext, path: Path, fillCanvas: Canvas, verticalAxisPosition: Axis.Position.Vertical?)
Draws the line.