Package-level declarations


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sealed class Corner

A class used to specify the size and look of a given shape corner.

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open class CorneredShape(val topLeft: Corner = Corner.Sharp, val topRight: Corner = Corner.Sharp, val bottomRight: Corner = Corner.Sharp, val bottomLeft: Corner = Corner.Sharp) : Shape

A Shape implementation with customizable corners.

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Defines the location of a shape corner.

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interface CornerTreatment

Defines a shape corner style.

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Creates cut corners.

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class DashedShape(val shape: Shape = Shape.Rectangle, val dashLengthDp: Float = Defaults.DASHED_SHAPE_DASH_LENGTH, val gapLengthDp: Float = Defaults.DASHED_SHAPE_GAP_LENGTH, val fitStrategy: DashedShape.FitStrategy = FitStrategy.Resize) : Shape

DashedShape draws a dashed line by interchangeably drawing the provided shape and leaving a gap.

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open class MarkerCorneredShape(topLeft: Corner, topRight: Corner, bottomRight: Corner, bottomLeft: Corner, val tickSizeDp: Float = MARKER_TICK_SIZE) : CorneredShape

MarkerCorneredShape is an extension of CorneredShape that supports drawing a triangular tick at a given point.

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Creates rounded corners.

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fun interface Shape

Defines a shape.

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Creates sharp corners.