Package-level declarations
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The current VicoTheme.
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Provides a VicoTheme.
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fun <M : MeasuringContext, D : DrawingContext> rememberHorizontalLegend(items: AdditionScope<LegendItem>.(ExtraStore) -> Unit, iconSize: Dp = Defaults.LEGEND_ICON_SIZE.dp, iconLabelSpacing: Dp = Defaults.LEGEND_ICON_LABEL_SPACING.dp, rowSpacing: Dp = Defaults.LEGEND_ROW_SPACING.dp, columnSpacing: Dp = Defaults.LEGEND_COLUMN_SPACING.dp, padding: Insets = Insets.Zero): HorizontalLegend<M, D>
Creates and remembers a HorizontalLegend.
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fun <M : MeasuringContext, D : DrawingContext> rememberVerticalLegend(items: AdditionScope<LegendItem>.(ExtraStore) -> Unit, iconSize: Dp = Defaults.LEGEND_ICON_SIZE.dp, iconLabelSpacing: Dp = Defaults.LEGEND_ICON_LABEL_SPACING.dp, rowSpacing: Dp = Defaults.LEGEND_ROW_SPACING.dp, padding: Insets = Insets.Zero): VerticalLegend<M, D>
Creates and remembers a VerticalLegend.