Package-level declarations


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typealias ChartShape = Shape


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fun lineComponent(color: Color = Color.Black, thickness: Dp = DefaultDimens.COLUMN_WIDTH.dp, shape: Shape = RectangleShape, dynamicShader: DynamicShader? = null, margins: Dimensions = emptyDimensions(), strokeWidth: Dp = 0.dp, strokeColor: Color = Color.Transparent): LineComponent
fun lineComponent(color: Color = Color.Black, thickness: Dp, shape: ChartShape, dynamicShader: DynamicShader? = null, margins: Dimensions = emptyDimensions(), strokeWidth: Dp = 0.dp, strokeColor: Color = Color.Transparent): LineComponent

Creates a LineComponent with the specified properties.

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fun overlayingComponent(outer: Component, inner: Component, innerPaddingStart: Dp = 0.dp, innerPaddingTop: Dp = 0.dp, innerPaddingBottom: Dp = 0.dp, innerPaddingEnd: Dp = 0.dp): OverlayingComponent
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fun shapeComponent(shape: Shape, color: Color = Color.Black, dynamicShader: DynamicShader? = null, margins: Dimensions = emptyDimensions(), strokeWidth: Dp = 0.dp, strokeColor: Color = Color.Transparent): ShapeComponent
fun shapeComponent(shape: ChartShape = Shapes.rectShape, color: Color = Color.Black, brush: Brush, margins: Dimensions = emptyDimensions(), strokeWidth: Dp = 0.dp, strokeColor: Color = Color.Transparent): ShapeComponent
fun shapeComponent(shape: ChartShape = Shapes.rectShape, color: Color = Color.Black, dynamicShader: DynamicShader? = null, margins: Dimensions = emptyDimensions(), strokeWidth: Dp = 0.dp, strokeColor: Color = Color.Transparent): ShapeComponent

Creates a ShapeComponent with the specified properties.

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fun textComponent(color: Color = Color.Black, textSize: TextUnit = DefaultDimens.TEXT_COMPONENT_TEXT_SIZE.sp, background: ShapeComponent? = null, ellipsize: TextUtils.TruncateAt = TextUtils.TruncateAt.END, lineCount: Int = DEF_LABEL_LINE_COUNT, padding: MutableDimensions = emptyDimensions(), margins: MutableDimensions = emptyDimensions(), typeface: Typeface? = null, textAlign: Paint.Align): TextComponent
fun textComponent(color: Color = Color.Black, textSize: TextUnit = DefaultDimens.TEXT_COMPONENT_TEXT_SIZE.sp, background: ShapeComponent? = null, ellipsize: TextUtils.TruncateAt = TextUtils.TruncateAt.END, lineCount: Int = DEF_LABEL_LINE_COUNT, padding: MutableDimensions = emptyDimensions(), margins: MutableDimensions = emptyDimensions(), typeface: Typeface? = null, textAlignment: Layout.Alignment = Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL): TextComponent

Creates a TextComponent.