
Uses Canvas to render text. This class utilizes StaticLayout and supports the following:

  • multi-line text with automatic line breaking

  • text truncation

  • Spanned

  • text rotation

  • text backgrounds (any Component)

  • margins and padding

See also


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class Builder

The builder for TextComponent.


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The text’s background. Use padding to set the padding between the text and the background.

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var color: Int

The text’s color.

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The type of text truncation to be used when the text’s width exceeds the amount of available space. By default, text is truncated at the end, and an ellipsis (…) is used.

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The maximum number of lines for the text. For performance reasons, during the measurement phase, it is presumed that the actual number of lines is equal to this value.

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open override var margins: MutableDimensions

The margins around the background. This is applied even if background is null.

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open override var padding: MutableDimensions

The padding between the text and the background. This is applied even if background is null.

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The text alignment.

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The text alignment.

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The font size (in sp).

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The Typeface for the text.


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fun drawText(context: DrawContext, text: CharSequence, textX: Float, textY: Float, horizontalPosition: HorizontalPosition = HorizontalPosition.Center, verticalPosition: VerticalPosition = VerticalPosition.Center, maxTextWidth: Int = DEF_LAYOUT_SIZE, maxTextHeight: Int = DEF_LAYOUT_SIZE, rotationDegrees: Float = 0.0f)

Uses Canvas to draw this TextComponent.

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fun getHeight(context: MeasureContext, text: CharSequence? = null, width: Int = DEF_LAYOUT_SIZE, height: Int = DEF_LAYOUT_SIZE, rotationDegrees: Float = 0.0f, pad: Boolean = text == null): Float

Returns the height of this TextComponent for the given text and the available width and height. pad defines whether to extend text by such a number of blank lines that it has lineCount lines.

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fun getTextBounds(context: MeasureContext, text: CharSequence? = null, width: Int = DEF_LAYOUT_SIZE, height: Int = DEF_LAYOUT_SIZE, outRect: RectF = tempMeasureBounds, includePaddingAndMargins: Boolean = true, rotationDegrees: Float = 0.0f, pad: Boolean = text == null): RectF

Returns the bounds (RectF) of this TextComponent for the given text and the available width and height. pad defines whether to extend text by such a number of blank lines that it has lineCount lines.

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fun getWidth(context: MeasureContext, text: CharSequence? = null, width: Int = DEF_LAYOUT_SIZE, height: Int = DEF_LAYOUT_SIZE, rotationDegrees: Float = 0.0f, pad: Boolean = text == null): Float

Returns the width of this TextComponent for the given text and the available width and height. pad defines whether to extend text by such a number of blank lines that it has lineCount lines.