
DrawContext is an extension of MeasureContext that stores a Canvas and other properties. It also defines helpful drawing functions.



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abstract val canvas: Canvas

The canvas to draw the chart on.

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The elevation overlay color, applied to ShapeComponents that cast shadows.


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Overlays the given color with DrawContext.elevationOverlayColor, changing the opacity of DrawContext.elevationOverlayColor depending on the value of elevationDp.

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open fun clipRect(rectF: RectF)

Clips the Canvas to the specified rectF.

open fun clipRect(left: Float, top: Float, right: Float, bottom: Float)

Clips the Canvas to the specified rectangle.

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open fun restoreCanvas()

Restores the Canvas state.

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open fun restoreCanvasToCount(count: Int)

Restores the Canvas state to the given save level.

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open fun saveCanvas(): Int

Saves the Canvas state.

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open fun saveLayer(left: Float = 0.0f, top: Float = 0.0f, right: Float = canvas.width.toFloat(), bottom: Float = canvas.height.toFloat()): Int

A convenience function for Canvas.saveLayer.

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inline fun DrawContext.withCanvas(block: Canvas.() -> Unit)

Calls the specified function block with DrawContext.canvas as its receiver.

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abstract fun withOtherCanvas(canvas: Canvas, block: (DrawContext) -> Unit)

Temporarily swaps the Canvas and yields DrawContext as the block’s receiver.