
An extension of DrawContext that holds additional data required to render a Chart.


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abstract val chartBounds: RectF

The bounds in which the Chart will be drawn.

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Holds information on the Chart’s horizontal dimensions.

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abstract val horizontalScroll: Float

The current amount of horizontal scroll.

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abstract val markerTouchPoint: Point?

The point inside the chart’s coordinates where physical touch is occurring.

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abstract val zoom: Float

The zoom factor.


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fun <Model : ChartEntryModel> ChartDrawContext.drawMarker(marker: Marker, markerTouchPoint: Point?, chart: Chart<Model>, markerVisibilityChangeListener: MarkerVisibilityChangeListener?, wasMarkerVisible: Boolean, setWasMarkerVisible: (Boolean) -> Unit, lastMarkerEntryModels: List<Marker.EntryModel>, onMarkerEntryModelsChange: (List<Marker.EntryModel>) -> Unit)

Draws the provided marker on top of the chart at the given markerTouchPoint and notifies the markerVisibilityChangeListener about the marker’s visibility changes.

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Returns the maximum scroll distance.