
data class Axis(val axisLabelBackground: ShapeComponent? = null, val axisLabelColor: Color, val axisLabelTextSize: TextUnit = DefaultDimens.AXIS_LABEL_SIZE.sp, val axisLabelLineCount: Int = DefaultDimens.AXIS_LABEL_MAX_LINES, val axisLabelVerticalPadding: Dp = DefaultDimens.AXIS_LABEL_VERTICAL_PADDING.dp, val axisLabelHorizontalPadding: Dp = DefaultDimens.AXIS_LABEL_HORIZONTAL_PADDING.dp, val axisLabelVerticalMargin: Dp = DefaultDimens.AXIS_LABEL_VERTICAL_MARGIN.dp, val axisLabelHorizontalMargin: Dp = DefaultDimens.AXIS_LABEL_HORIZONTAL_MARGIN.dp, val axisLabelRotationDegrees: Float = DefaultDimens.AXIS_LABEL_ROTATION_DEGREES, val axisLabelTypeface: Typeface = Typeface.MONOSPACE, val axisLabelTextAlign: Paint.Align = Paint.Align.LEFT, val axisLabelTextAlignment: Layout.Alignment = Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, val axisGuidelineColor: Color, val axisGuidelineWidth: Dp = DefaultDimens.AXIS_GUIDELINE_WIDTH.dp, val axisGuidelineShape: Shape = Shapes.dashedShape( shape = Shapes.rectShape, dashLength = DefaultDimens.DASH_LENGTH.dp, gapLength = DefaultDimens.DASH_GAP.dp, ), val axisLineColor: Color, val axisLineWidth: Dp = DefaultDimens.AXIS_LINE_WIDTH.dp, val axisLineShape: Shape = Shapes.rectShape, val axisTickColor: Color = axisLineColor, val axisTickWidth: Dp = axisLineWidth, val axisTickShape: Shape = Shapes.rectShape, val axisTickLength: Dp = DefaultDimens.AXIS_TICK_LENGTH.dp, val axisValueFormatter: AxisValueFormatter<AxisPosition> = DecimalFormatAxisValueFormatter())

Defines the appearance of chart axes.


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constructor(axisLabelBackground: ShapeComponent? = null, axisLabelColor: Color, axisLabelTextSize: TextUnit = DefaultDimens.AXIS_LABEL_SIZE.sp, axisLabelLineCount: Int = DefaultDimens.AXIS_LABEL_MAX_LINES, axisLabelVerticalPadding: Dp = DefaultDimens.AXIS_LABEL_VERTICAL_PADDING.dp, axisLabelHorizontalPadding: Dp = DefaultDimens.AXIS_LABEL_HORIZONTAL_PADDING.dp, axisLabelVerticalMargin: Dp = DefaultDimens.AXIS_LABEL_VERTICAL_MARGIN.dp, axisLabelHorizontalMargin: Dp = DefaultDimens.AXIS_LABEL_HORIZONTAL_MARGIN.dp, axisLabelRotationDegrees: Float = DefaultDimens.AXIS_LABEL_ROTATION_DEGREES, axisLabelTypeface: Typeface = Typeface.MONOSPACE, axisLabelTextAlign: Paint.Align = Paint.Align.LEFT, axisLabelTextAlignment: Layout.Alignment = Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, axisGuidelineColor: Color, axisGuidelineWidth: Dp = DefaultDimens.AXIS_GUIDELINE_WIDTH.dp, axisGuidelineShape: Shape = Shapes.dashedShape( shape = Shapes.rectShape, dashLength = DefaultDimens.DASH_LENGTH.dp, gapLength = DefaultDimens.DASH_GAP.dp, ), axisLineColor: Color, axisLineWidth: Dp = DefaultDimens.AXIS_LINE_WIDTH.dp, axisLineShape: Shape = Shapes.rectShape, axisTickColor: Color = axisLineColor, axisTickWidth: Dp = axisLineWidth, axisTickShape: Shape = Shapes.rectShape, axisTickLength: Dp = DefaultDimens.AXIS_TICK_LENGTH.dp, axisValueFormatter: AxisValueFormatter<AxisPosition> = DecimalFormatAxisValueFormatter())


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the color of axis guidelines.

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the Shape used for axis guidelines.

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the width of axis guidelines.

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an optional ShapeComponent to display behind the text of axis labels.

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the text color for axis labels.

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the horizontal margin around the backgrounds of axis labels.

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the amount of horizontal padding between the background and the text of axis labels.

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the line count for axis labels.

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the number of degrees by which axis labels are rotated.

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the text alignment for axis labels.

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the text alignment for axis labels.

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the text size for axis labels.

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the typeface used for axis labels.

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the vertical margin around the backgrounds of axis labels.

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the amount of vertical padding between the background and the text of axis labels.

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the color of axis lines.

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the Shape used for axis lines.

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the width of axis lines.

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the color of axis ticks.

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the length of axis ticks.

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the Shape used for axis ticks.

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the width of axis ticks.

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