
abstract class DrawingModel<T : DrawingModel.DrawingInfo>(drawingInfo: List<Map<Float, T>>) : List<Map<Float, T>>

Houses drawing information for a Chart.



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constructor(drawingInfo: List<Map<Float, T>>)


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interface DrawingInfo

Houses positional information for a single Chart entity (e.g., a column or a point).


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abstract fun transform(drawingInfo: List<Map<Float, T>>, from: DrawingModel<T>?, fraction: Float): DrawingModel<T>

Returns an intermediate DrawingModel between this one and from. The returned drawing model includes the provided DrawingInfo list. fraction is the balance between from and this DrawingModel, with 0 corresponding to from, and 1 corresponding to this DrawingModel. The returned object should be an instance of the DrawingModel subclass to which this function belongs.