Package-level declarations


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object Animation

Defaults for animations.

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Default alpha values.

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interface DefaultColors

The default chart colors.

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The default chart dimensions.


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const val DEF_LABEL_COUNT: Int = 100

The default maximum label count for vertical axes.

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const val DEF_LABEL_LINE_COUNT: Int = 1

The default line count for TextComponent.

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const val DEF_LABEL_SPACING: Float = 16.0f

The default label spacing for vertical axes (in dp).

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const val DEF_MARKER_TICK_SIZE: Float = 6.0f

The default tick size for markers (in dp).

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const val DEF_MAX_ZOOM: Float = 10.0f

The default maximum zoom factor.

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const val DEF_MIN_ZOOM: Float = 0.1f

The default minimum zoom factor.

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The default color for shadows.

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const val DEF_THREAD_POOL_SIZE: Int = 4

The default size of the thread pools used for difference animations.

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The default scroll distance over which fading edges fade in and out (in dp).

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const val FADING_EDGE_WIDTH_DP: Float = 32.0f

The default width of fading edges.