Defines whether the content of the chart should be scaled up when the dimensions are such that, at a scale factor of 1, an empty space would be visible near the end edge of the chart.
The AxisRenderer for the bottom axis.
Houses scrolling-related settings.
The CoroutineDispatcher to be used for the handling of difference animations.
The color of elevation overlays, which are applied to ShapeComponents that cast shadows.
The AxisRenderer for the end axis.
A ChartModelProducer can provide Model updates asynchronously.
Applies a horizontal fade to the edges of the chart area for scrollable charts.
Overrides the x step (the difference between the x values of neighboring major entries). If this is null, the default x step (ChartEntryModel.xGcd) is used.
Defines how the chart’s content is positioned horizontally.
Whether the chart can be scrolled horizontally.
Whether the pinch-to-zoom gesture is enabled.
Allows for listening to marker visibility changes.
Whether to display an animation when the chart is created. In this animation, the value of each chart entry is animated from zero to the actual value.
The AxisRenderer for the start axis.
The AxisRenderer for the top axis.
Invokes the provided function block, passing to it the current scroll amount and the maximum scroll amount, and scrolls the chart by the number of pixels returned by the function block, using a ValueAnimator. Customize the animation with setAnimatedScrollDuration and setAnimatedScrollInterpolator.
Sets the duration (in milliseconds) of animated scrolls (animateScrollBy).
Sets the Interpolator for animated scrolls (animateScrollBy).
Sets the duration (in milliseconds) of difference animations.
Sets the Interpolator for difference animations.
Updates the placeholder, which is shown when no ChartEntryModel is available.