
Visualizes data on a Cartesian plane. CartesianLayers are combined and drawn by CartesianCharts.



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abstract fun draw(context: CartesianDrawingContext, model: M)

Draws the CartesianLayer.

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abstract fun prepareForTransformation(model: M?, ranges: CartesianChartRanges, extraStore: MutableExtraStore)

Prepares the CartesianLayer for a difference animation.

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abstract suspend fun transform(extraStore: MutableExtraStore, fraction: Float)

Carries out the pending difference animation.

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abstract fun updateHorizontalDimensions(context: CartesianMeasuringContext, horizontalDimensions: MutableHorizontalDimensions, model: M)

Updates horizontalDimensions to match this CartesianLayer’s dimensions.

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abstract fun updateRanges(ranges: MutableCartesianChartRanges, model: M)

Updates ranges in accordance with model.