
open class ShapeComponent(val color: Int = Color.BLACK, val shape: Shape = Shape.Rectangle, margins: Dimensions = Dimensions.Empty, val strokeColor: Int = Color.TRANSPARENT, strokeThicknessDp: Float = 0.0f, shader: DynamicShader? = null, shadow: Shadow? = null) : Component

Draws Shapes.



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constructor(color: Int = Color.BLACK, shape: Shape = Shape.Rectangle, margins: Dimensions = Dimensions.Empty, strokeColor: Int = Color.TRANSPARENT, strokeThicknessDp: Float = 0.0f, shader: DynamicShader? = null, shadow: Shadow? = null)


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val color: Int

the fill color.

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the Shape.

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the stroke color.


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open fun copy(color: Int = this.color, shape: Shape = this.shape, margins: Dimensions = this.margins, strokeColor: Int = this.strokeColor, strokeThicknessDp: Float = this.strokeThicknessDp, shader: DynamicShader? = this.shader, shadow: Shadow? = this.shadow): ShapeComponent

Creates a new ShapeComponent based on this one.

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open override fun draw(context: DrawingContext, left: Float, top: Float, right: Float, bottom: Float)

Instructs the Component to draw itself at the given coordinates.