Package-level declarations


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fun rememberLayeredComponent(rear: Component, front: Component, padding: Dimensions = Dimensions.Empty, margins: Dimensions = Dimensions.Empty): LayeredComponent

Creates and remembers a LayeredComponent.

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fun rememberLineComponent(fill: Fill = Fill.Black, thickness: Dp = Defaults.LINE_COMPONENT_THICKNESS_DP.dp, shape: Shape = Shape.Rectangle, margins: Dimensions = Dimensions.Empty, strokeFill: Fill = Fill.Transparent, strokeThickness: Dp = 0.dp, shadow: Shadow? = null): LineComponent

Creates and remembers a LineComponent.

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fun rememberShapeComponent(fill: Fill = Fill.Black, shape: Shape = Shape.Rectangle, margins: Dimensions = Dimensions.Empty, strokeFill: Fill = Fill.Transparent, strokeThickness: Dp = 0.dp, shadow: Shadow? = null): ShapeComponent

Creates and remembers a ShapeComponent.

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fun rememberTextComponent(color: Color = Color.Black, typeface: Typeface = Typeface.DEFAULT, textSize: TextUnit = Defaults.TEXT_COMPONENT_TEXT_SIZE.sp, textAlignment: Layout.Alignment = Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, lineHeight: TextUnit? = null, lineCount: Int = Defaults.TEXT_COMPONENT_LINE_COUNT, truncateAt: TextUtils.TruncateAt = TextUtils.TruncateAt.END, margins: Dimensions = Dimensions.Empty, padding: Dimensions = Dimensions.Empty, background: Component? = null, minWidth: TextComponent.MinWidth = TextComponent.MinWidth.fixed()): TextComponent

Creates and remembers a TextComponent.

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fun shadow(radius: Dp, dx: Dp = 0.dp, dy: Dp = 0.dp, color: Color? = null): Shadow

Creates a Shadow.

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fun shapeComponent(fill: Fill = Fill.Black, shape: Shape = Shape.Rectangle, margins: Dimensions = Dimensions.Empty, strokeFill: Fill = Fill.Transparent, strokeThickness: Dp = 0.dp, shadow: Shadow? = null): ShapeComponent

Creates a ShapeComponent.