open class LineComponent(fill: Fill, val thicknessDp: Float = Defaults.LINE_COMPONENT_THICKNESS_DP, shape: Shape = Shape.Rectangle, margins: Dimensions = Dimensions.Empty, strokeFill: Fill = Fill.Transparent, strokeThicknessDp: Float = 0.0f, shadow: Shadow? = null) : ShapeComponent
Draws lines.
the fill.
the Shape.
the margins.
the stroke fill.
the stroke thickness (in dp).
stores the shadow properties.
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open override fun copy(fill: Fill, shape: Shape, margins: Dimensions, strokeFill: Fill, strokeThicknessDp: Float, shadow: Shadow?): LineComponent
open fun copy(fill: Fill = this.fill, thicknessDp: Float = this.thicknessDp, shape: Shape = this.shape, margins: Dimensions = this.margins, strokeFill: Fill = this.strokeFill, strokeThicknessDp: Float = this.strokeThicknessDp, shadow: Shadow? = this.shadow): LineComponent
Creates a new LineComponent based on this one.
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open fun drawHorizontal(context: DrawingContext, left: Float, right: Float, centerY: Float, thicknessScale: Float = 1.0f)
A convenience function for draw that draws the LineComponent horizontally.
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open fun drawVertical(context: DrawingContext, top: Float, bottom: Float, centerX: Float, thicknessScale: Float = 1.0f)
A convenience function for draw that draws the LineComponent vertically.
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open fun fitsInHorizontal(context: DrawingContext, left: Float, right: Float, centerY: Float, boundingBox: RectF, thicknessScale: Float = 1.0f): Boolean
Checks whether the LineComponent fits horizontally within the given boundingBox with its current thicknessDp.
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open fun fitsInVertical(context: DrawingContext, top: Float, bottom: Float, centerX: Float, boundingBox: RectF, thicknessScale: Float = 1.0f): Boolean
Checks whether the LineComponent fits vertically within the given boundingBox with its current thicknessDp.
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open fun intersectsVertical(context: DrawingContext, top: Float, bottom: Float, centerX: Float, boundingBox: RectF, thicknessScale: Float = 1.0f): Boolean
Checks whether the LineComponent vertically intersects the given boundingBox with its current thicknessDp.