Package-level declarations
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fun CorneredShape.Companion.cut(topLeft: Dp = 0.dp, topRight: Dp = 0.dp, bottomRight: Dp = 0.dp, bottomLeft: Dp = 0.dp): CorneredShape
A Dp version of CorneredShape.cut.
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fun dashedShape(shape: Shape = Shape.Rectangle, dashLength: Dp = Defaults.DASHED_SHAPE_DASH_LENGTH.dp, gapLength: Dp = Defaults.DASHED_SHAPE_GAP_LENGTH.dp, fitStrategy: DashedShape.FitStrategy = DashedShape.FitStrategy.Resize): DashedShape
Creates a DashedShape.
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fun markerCorneredShape(base: CorneredShape, tickSize: Dp = MARKER_TICK_SIZE.dp): MarkerCorneredShape
fun markerCorneredShape(all: CorneredShape.Corner, tickSize: Dp = MARKER_TICK_SIZE.dp): MarkerCorneredShape
fun markerCorneredShape(topLeft: CorneredShape.Corner, topRight: CorneredShape.Corner, bottomRight: CorneredShape.Corner, bottomLeft: CorneredShape.Corner, tickSize: Dp = MARKER_TICK_SIZE.dp): MarkerCorneredShape
Creates a MarkerCorneredShape.
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fun CorneredShape.Companion.rounded(topLeft: Dp = 0.dp, topRight: Dp = 0.dp, bottomRight: Dp = 0.dp, bottomLeft: Dp = 0.dp): CorneredShape
A Dp version of CorneredShape.rounded.
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Converts this CorneredShape to an instance of
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Converts this to an instance of com.patrykandpatrick.vico.core.common.shape.Shape.