
open class MarkerCorneredShape(topLeft: CorneredShape.Corner, topRight: CorneredShape.Corner, bottomRight: CorneredShape.Corner, bottomLeft: CorneredShape.Corner, val tickSizeDp: Float = MARKER_TICK_SIZE) : CorneredShape

A CorneredShape extension that additionally draws a triangular tick.


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constructor(all: CorneredShape.Corner, tickSizeDp: Float = MARKER_TICK_SIZE)
constructor(base: CorneredShape, tickSizeDp: Float = MARKER_TICK_SIZE)
constructor(topLeft: CorneredShape.Corner, topRight: CorneredShape.Corner, bottomRight: CorneredShape.Corner, bottomLeft: CorneredShape.Corner, tickSizeDp: Float = MARKER_TICK_SIZE)


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Specifies the position of a MarkerCorneredShape’s tick.


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Specifies the tick position.

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the size of the tick (in dp).

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var tickX: Float?

The tick’s x coordinate. If this is null, the tick isn’t drawn.


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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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open override fun outline(context: MeasuringContext, path: Path, left: Float, top: Float, right: Float, bottom: Float)

Adds an outline of the Shape to path. left, top, right, and bottom define the outline bounds.