Package-level declarations


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fun interface AutoScrollCondition

Defines when an automatic scroll should be performed.

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open class CartesianChart(layers: CartesianLayer<*>, startAxis: Axis<Axis.Position.Vertical.Start>? = null, topAxis: Axis<Axis.Position.Horizontal.Top>? = null, endAxis: Axis<Axis.Position.Vertical.End>? = null, bottomAxis: Axis<Axis.Position.Horizontal.Bottom>? = null, val marker: CartesianMarker? = null, markerVisibilityListener: CartesianMarkerVisibilityListener? = null, val layerPadding: (ExtraStore) -> CartesianLayerPadding = { CartesianLayerPadding() }, legend: Legend<CartesianMeasuringContext, CartesianDrawingContext>? = null, fadingEdges: FadingEdges? = null, decorations: List<Decoration> = emptyList(), persistentMarkers: CartesianChart.PersistentMarkerScope.(ExtraStore) -> Unit? = null, getXStep: (CartesianChartModel) -> Double = { it.getXDeltaGcd() }) : CartesianLayerMarginUpdater<CartesianChartModel>

A chart based on a Cartesian coordinate plane, composed of CartesianLayers.

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open class FadingEdges(startWidthDp: Float = FADING_EDGE_WIDTH_DP, endWidthDp: Float = FADING_EDGE_WIDTH_DP, visibilityThresholdDp: Float = FADING_EDGE_VISIBILITY_THRESHOLD_DP, visibilityInterpolator: TimeInterpolator = AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator())

FadingEdges applies a horizontal fade to the edges of the chart area for scrollable charts. This effect indicates that there’s more content beyond a given edge, and the user can scroll to reveal it.

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sealed interface Scroll

Represents a CartesianChart scroll value or delta.

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fun interface Zoom

Represents a CartesianChart’s zoom factor.