
open class CartesianChart(layers: CartesianLayer<*>, startAxis: Axis<Axis.Position.Vertical.Start>? = null, topAxis: Axis<Axis.Position.Horizontal.Top>? = null, endAxis: Axis<Axis.Position.Vertical.End>? = null, bottomAxis: Axis<Axis.Position.Horizontal.Bottom>? = null, val marker: CartesianMarker? = null, markerVisibilityListener: CartesianMarkerVisibilityListener? = null, val layerPadding: (ExtraStore) -> CartesianLayerPadding = { CartesianLayerPadding() }, legend: Legend<CartesianMeasuringContext, CartesianDrawingContext>? = null, fadingEdges: FadingEdges? = null, decorations: List<Decoration> = emptyList(), persistentMarkers: CartesianChart.PersistentMarkerScope.(ExtraStore) -> Unit? = null, getXStep: (CartesianChartModel) -> Double = { it.getXDeltaGcd() }) : CartesianLayerMarginUpdater<CartesianChartModel>

A chart based on a Cartesian coordinate plane, composed of CartesianLayers.



the start Axis.


the top Axis.


the end Axis.


the bottom Axis.


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constructor(vararg layers: CartesianLayer<*>, startAxis: Axis<Axis.Position.Vertical.Start>? = null, topAxis: Axis<Axis.Position.Horizontal.Top>? = null, endAxis: Axis<Axis.Position.Vertical.End>? = null, bottomAxis: Axis<Axis.Position.Horizontal.Bottom>? = null, marker: CartesianMarker? = null, markerVisibilityListener: CartesianMarkerVisibilityListener? = null, layerPadding: (ExtraStore) -> CartesianLayerPadding = { CartesianLayerPadding() }, legend: Legend<CartesianMeasuringContext, CartesianDrawingContext>? = null, fadingEdges: FadingEdges? = null, decorations: List<Decoration> = emptyList(), persistentMarkers: CartesianChart.PersistentMarkerScope.(ExtraStore) -> Unit? = null, getXStep: (CartesianChartModel) -> Double = { it.getXDeltaGcd() })


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fun interface PersistentMarkerScope

Facilitates adding persistent CartesianMarkers to CartesianCharts.


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The CartesianLayers of which this CartesianChart is composed.

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appears when the CartesianChart is tapped.

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fun copy(vararg layers: CartesianLayer<*> = this.layers.toTypedArray(), startAxis: Axis<Axis.Position.Vertical.Start>? = this.startAxis, topAxis: Axis<Axis.Position.Horizontal.Top>? = this.topAxis, endAxis: Axis<Axis.Position.Vertical.End>? = this.endAxis, bottomAxis: Axis<Axis.Position.Horizontal.Bottom>? = this.bottomAxis, marker: CartesianMarker? = this.marker, markerVisibilityListener: CartesianMarkerVisibilityListener? = this.markerVisibilityListener, layerPadding: (ExtraStore) -> CartesianLayerPadding = this.layerPadding, legend: Legend<CartesianMeasuringContext, CartesianDrawingContext>? = this.legend, fadingEdges: FadingEdges? = this.fadingEdges, decorations: List<Decoration> = this.decorations, persistentMarkers: CartesianChart.PersistentMarkerScope.(ExtraStore) -> Unit? = this.persistentMarkers, getXStep: (CartesianChartModel) -> Double = this.getXStep): CartesianChart

Creates a new CartesianChart based on this one.

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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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open override fun updateHorizontalLayerMargins(context: CartesianMeasuringContext, horizontalLayerMargins: HorizontalCartesianLayerMargins, layerHeight: Float, model: CartesianChartModel)

Ensures that there are sufficient horizontal CartesianLayer-area margins.

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open override fun updateLayerMargins(context: CartesianMeasuringContext, layerMargins: CartesianLayerMargins, layerDimensions: CartesianLayerDimensions, model: CartesianChartModel)

Ensures that there are sufficient CartesianLayer-area margins.