open class TextComponent(color: Int = Color.BLACK, typeface: Typeface = Typeface.DEFAULT, textSizeSp: Float = Defaults.TEXT_COMPONENT_TEXT_SIZE, textAlignment: Layout.Alignment = Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, lineHeightSp: Float? = null, lineCount: Int = TEXT_COMPONENT_LINE_COUNT, truncateAt: TextUtils.TruncateAt? = TextUtils.TruncateAt.END, margins: Insets = Insets.Zero, padding: Insets = Insets.Zero, val background: Component? = null, minWidth: TextComponent.MinWidth = MinWidth.fixed())
Uses Canvas to render text. This class utilizes StaticLayout and supports the following:
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constructor(color: Int = Color.BLACK, typeface: Typeface = Typeface.DEFAULT, textSizeSp: Float = Defaults.TEXT_COMPONENT_TEXT_SIZE, textAlignment: Layout.Alignment = Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, lineHeightSp: Float? = null, lineCount: Int = TEXT_COMPONENT_LINE_COUNT, truncateAt: TextUtils.TruncateAt? = TextUtils.TruncateAt.END, margins: Insets = Insets.Zero, padding: Insets = Insets.Zero, background: Component? = null, minWidth: TextComponent.MinWidth = MinWidth.fixed())
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Defines a TextComponent’s minimum width.
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open fun copy(color: Int = this.color, typeface: Typeface = this.typeface, textSizeSp: Float = this.textSizeSp, textAlignment: Layout.Alignment = this.textAlignment, lineHeightSp: Float? = this.lineHeightSp, lineCount: Int = this.lineCount, truncateAt: TextUtils.TruncateAt? = this.truncateAt, margins: Insets = this.margins, padding: Insets = this.padding, background: Component? = this.background, minWidth: TextComponent.MinWidth = this.minWidth): TextComponent
Creates a new TextComponent based on this one.
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fun draw(context: DrawingContext, text: CharSequence, x: Float, y: Float, horizontalPosition: Position.Horizontal = Position.Horizontal.Center, verticalPosition: Position.Vertical = Position.Vertical.Center, maxWidth: Int = DEF_LAYOUT_SIZE, maxHeight: Int = DEF_LAYOUT_SIZE, rotationDegrees: Float = 0.0f)
Uses Canvas to draw this TextComponent.
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fun getBounds(context: MeasuringContext, text: CharSequence? = null, maxWidth: Int = DEF_LAYOUT_SIZE, maxHeight: Int = DEF_LAYOUT_SIZE, rotationDegrees: Float = 0.0f, pad: Boolean = text == null): RectF
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fun getHeight(context: MeasuringContext, text: CharSequence? = null, maxWidth: Int = DEF_LAYOUT_SIZE, maxHeight: Int = DEF_LAYOUT_SIZE, rotationDegrees: Float = 0.0f, pad: Boolean = text == null): Float
Returns the height of this TextComponent for the given text and maximum dimensions. pad defines whether to extend text by such a number of blank lines that it has lineCount lines.
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fun getWidth(context: MeasuringContext, text: CharSequence? = null, maxWidth: Int = DEF_LAYOUT_SIZE, maxHeight: Int = DEF_LAYOUT_SIZE, rotationDegrees: Float = 0.0f, pad: Boolean = text == null): Float
Returns the width of this TextComponent for the given text and maximum dimensions. pad defines whether to extend text by such a number of blank lines that it has lineCount lines.