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open class CartesianChartView @JvmOverloads constructor(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet? = null, defStyleAttr: Int = 0) : ChartView<CartesianChartModel>
Displays a CartesianChart.
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class ScrollHandler(scrollEnabled: Boolean = true, initialScroll: Scroll.Absolute = Scroll.Absolute.Start, autoScroll: Scroll = initialScroll, autoScrollCondition: AutoScrollCondition = AutoScrollCondition.Never, autoScrollInterpolator: TimeInterpolator = AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator(), autoScrollDuration: Long = Animation.DIFF_DURATION.toLong())
Houses information on a CartesianChart’s scroll value. Allows for scroll customization and programmatic scrolling.
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class ZoomHandler(zoomEnabled: Boolean = true, initialZoom: Zoom = Zoom.max(Zoom.fixed(), Zoom.Content), minZoom: Zoom = Zoom.Content, maxZoom: Zoom = Zoom.max(Zoom.fixed(Defaults.MAX_ZOOM), Zoom.Content))
Houses information on a CartesianChart’s zoom factor. Allows for zoom customization.