Vico 2.1.0 (in beta) adds Compose Multiplatform support.



Use LineCartesianLayer to create line charts. Instantiate LineCartesianLayer via rememberLineCartesianLayer.

Each line is associated with a LineCartesianLayer.Line. Create these via LineCartesianLayer.rememberLine. The LineCartesianLayer.Lines are provided by a LineCartesianLayer.LineProvider. A base implementation of this interface can be instantiated via LineCartesianLayer.LineProvider.series. You can customize lines’ fills, backgrounds, shapes, and other properties. You can also add data labels and points.

Line strokes are customized via LineCartesianLayer.LineStroke, which has two implementations, instantiated via the following functions:

Line fills are customized via LineCartesianLayer.LineFill, which has two factory functions:

Area fills, which are optional, are customized via LineCartesianLayer.AreaFill. This has similar factory functions to LineCartesianLayer.LineFill:

These cover most use cases. You can use both solid colors and ShaderProviders, and you can apply split styling—enabling you to create a line that’s green for positive values and red for negative values, for instance. You can, however, also create your own LineCartesianLayer.LineFill and LineCartesianLayer.AreaFill implementations.

To add points, use LineCartesianLayer.PointProvider. LineCartesianLayer.PointProvider.single instantiates a base implementation that adds a point for each entry and uses a shared point style. Once again, custom implementations can be created. A common use case for this is styling points individually based on their y-values.


LineCartesianLayers use LineCartesianLayerModels. When using a CartesianChartModelProducer, add LineCartesianLayerModels via lineSeries:

cartesianChartModelProducer.runTransaction {
    lineSeries {
        series(1, 8, 3, 7)
        series(y = listOf(6, 1, 9, 3))
        series(x = listOf(1, 2, 3, 4), y = listOf(2, 5, 3, 4))
    // ...

Each series invocation adds a series to the LineCartesianLayerModel. Above, three series are added. series has three overloads (each of which accepts all Number subtypes):

Manual LineCartesianLayerModel creation

When creating a CartesianChartModel directly, you can add a LineCartesianLayerModel by using build. This function gives you access to the same DSL that lineSeries does.

CartesianChartModel( {
        series(1, 8, 3, 7)
        series(y = listOf(6, 1, 9, 3))
        series(x = listOf(1, 2, 3, 4), y = listOf(2, 5, 3, 4))
    // ...

Sample charts