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This release splits ThresholdLine into two new Decorations, slims down ChartStyle, improves DefaultMarkerLabelFormatter, and includes other enhancements.

Breaking changesAddressed
Moderate#499, #614

HorizontalBox and HorizontalLine

ThresholdLine has been marked as deprecated and replaced with two new Decorations, HorizontalBox (for a y range) and HorizontalLine (for a single y value). For Jetpack Compose, rememberHorizontalBox and rememberHorizontalLine functions are available. HorizontalBox and HorizontalLine are similar to ThresholdLine, but a few improvements have been made, and some constructor parameters have new names. The main benefit is that the y and label properties are ExtraStore lambdas, enabling you to update the y values with the chart data. This enables you to easily highlight the average y value, for instance. HorizontalLine takes a LineComponent rather than a ShapeComponent. The LineComponent constructor and rememberLineComponent take ShapeComponents, so to handle this change, create a LineComponent that uses your existing ShapeComponent. The line thickness is defined at the LineComponent level.


In the compose module, ChartStyle has been slimmed down to house only default colors and renamed to VicoTheme. We made this change because given the large number of settings, adding copies of each one to ChartStyle was starting to become inviable. VicoTheme is simliar to MaterialTheme in that it contains general styling information but not component-specific settings.

ProvideChartStyle is now ProvideVicoTheme. Note that the theme parameter has no default value—if you need the default theme, you don’t have to use ProvideVicoTheme at all. m2ChartStyle and m3ChartStyle are now rememberM2VicoTheme and rememberM3VicoTheme.

ProvideVicoTheme(remember(...) { VicoTheme(...) }) { ... }
ProvideVicoTheme(rememberM2VicoTheme()) { ... }
ProvideVicoTheme(rememberM3VicoTheme()) { ... }

To access the current VicoTheme, use the vicoTheme property (e.g., vicoTheme.textColor).

Component-specific configuration should be done at the component level, as in the Material Design libraries for Jetpack Compose. Beyond VicoTheme, to reuse a customized version of a component across multiple charts, you can create a wrapper for the function that creates this component and apply your styling there.

Note that unlike ChartStyle, VicoTheme has a shared color for axis lines and guidelines. If you need two different colors, make one of them the default, and apply the other one via rememberAxisLineComponent or rememberAxisGuidelineComponent.


DefaultMarkerLabelFormatter now uses DecimalFormat. There’s a decimalFormat constructor parameter, which you can use to provide a custom DecimalFormat instance and customize the pattern. Also, DefaultMarkerLabelFormatter subclasses can now be created.


For consistency, the default value of LineComponent#thicknessDp has been changed from 2 to 1, and the default value of rememberLineComponent’s thickness parameter has been changed from 8 dp to 1 dp. rememberLineComponent used the default ColumnCartesianLayer column width as the default thickness value, but this was an error—LineComponent isn’t just for ColumnCartesianLayer columns. If you were using these defaults, you might have to explicitly specify the desired thickness.

In ColumnCartesianLayer, the mergeMode lambda now receives ExtraStores, not full ColumnCartesianLayerModels. Replace it.extraStore with it. In the unlikely event that you were performing a data-based calculation in this lambda, perform it in advance, and save the result as an extra.

rememberMarkerComponent now has a labelFormatter parameter.

In TextComponent, the minimum width can now be customized—see the minWidth properties and parameters.

We’re continuing the API cleanup. As usual, some duplicate functions have been marked as deprecated, and some APIs that Vico shouldn’t expose have been hidden.

An issue where the sample app could go blank has been resolved.