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This release includes fixes and improvements and continues the API cleanup.

Breaking changesAddressed
Minor#722, #734, #736, #765, #776, #781


In CartesianChartModelProducer, we’ve addressed concurrency issues and a problem where exceptions weren’t propagated. Some changes have been made to the API, both to facilitate the fixes and to consolidate it.

The concurrency fixes apply to runTransaction and Transaction.commit. Because it wasn’t possible to make equivalent corrections to tryRunTransaction and Transaction.tryCommit without rendering their behavior unpredictable, these two functions are deprecated. All Transactions should now be run via runTransaction and Transaction.commit, which are suspending functions.


While the deprecated functions—tryRunTransaction and Transaction.tryCommit—remain usable, we recommend that you switch to runTransaction and Transaction.commit immediately to benefit from the concurrency fixes.

In a ViewModel, a solution such as the following can be used:

viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.Default) {
cartesianChartModelProducer.runTransaction { /* ... */ }

In a LaunchedEffect, you can use this:

withContext(Dispatchers.Default) {
cartesianChartModelProducer.runTransaction { /* ... */ }

Remember to never run Transactions on the main thread.

If you’re using tryRunTransaction in a coroutine and wish to keep this fire-and-forget behavior, call runTransaction in a new coroutine. You can use launch to do so.

runTransaction and Transaction.commit no longer return Deferred implementations, so calls to await should be removed. These two functions now return at the same time at which await would. Previously, it was possible to skip the await call and have control flow continue as soon as the processing of an update started. This, however, had no practical benefit. One should either wait for an update to be processed or take a fire-and-forget approach, described above.

build is deprecated in favor of the CartesianChartModelProducer constructor. Unlike build, this constructor has no dispatcher parameter. This is because runTransaction and Transaction.commit inherit the call site’s CoroutineContext. To have a CartesianChartModelProducer use a particular CoroutineDispatcher, call its functions from a CoroutineContext that includes this dispatcher. In the snippet above, for example, runTransaction does its work on Dispatchers.Default.

In Transaction, updateExtras has been deprecated and renamed to extras for consistency.

createTransaction has been deprecated in favor of the Transaction constructor. Keep in mind, however, that you should generally use runTransaction instead of creating a Transaction directly.


  • CartesianChartHost now properly handles nested scroll.
  • Issues affecting ShapeComponent’s margin handling have been addressed.
  • We’ve resolved an issue where automatic padding for extreme HorizontalAxis labels reserved too much empty space in charts with zoom disabled.
  • Changes have been made to Insets and related APIs. Insets should now be requested via the ensureValuesAtLeast functions. ChartInsetter has new function signatures.
  • Several APIs have been deprecated. See the deprecation messages for more information.