
Defines the minimal set of properties and functions required by other parts of the library to draw an axis.



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abstract val position: Position

Defines the position of the axis relative to the Chart.


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abstract fun drawAboveChart(context: ChartDrawContext)

Called after the Chart is drawn. Implementations can use this function to draw content above the Chart.

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abstract fun drawBehindChart(context: ChartDrawContext)

Called before the Chart is drawn. Implementations should rely on this function to draw themselves, unless they need to draw something above the Chart.

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abstract fun setRestrictedBounds(vararg bounds: RectF?)

The bounds (RectF) passed here define the area where the AxisRenderer shouldn’t draw anything.

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abstract fun updateHorizontalDimensions(context: MeasureContext, horizontalDimensions: MutableHorizontalDimensions)

Updates the chart’s MutableHorizontalDimensions instance.