
Combines multiple Charts and draws them on top of one another.


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constructor(vararg charts: Chart<Model>)
constructor(charts: List<Chart<Model>>)


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A Collection of the ChartInsetters that are part of this Chart. Each ChartInsetter can influence the final layout of the chart and its components.

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The Charts that make up this ComposedChart.

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Links x-axis values to Marker.EntryModels. A Marker.EntryModel holds the data needed to draw a Marker.

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open override var maxX: Float?

The maximum value shown on the x-axis. If Model implements ChartEntryModel, and maxX is not null, this overrides ChartEntryModel.maxX.

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open override var maxY: Float?

The maximum value shown on the y-axis. If Model implements ChartEntryModel, and maxY is not null, this overrides ChartEntryModel.maxY.

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open override var minX: Float?

The minimum value shown on the x-axis. If Model implements ChartEntryModel, and minX is not null, this overrides ChartEntryModel.minX.

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open override var minY: Float?

The minimum value shown on the y-axis. If Model implements ChartEntryModel, and minY is not null, this overrides ChartEntryModel.minY.

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Provides the Chart’s ModelTransformer.


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Responsible for drawing any decorations placed above the chart, as well as persistent markers.

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open override fun getHorizontalInsets(context: MeasureContext, availableHeight: Float, outInsets: HorizontalInsets)

Called during the measurement phase, after getInsets. Only horizontal insets can be requested from this function. Unless the available height is of interest, getInsets can be used to set all insets. The final inset for a given edge of the associated Chart is the largest of the insets requested for the edge.

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open override fun getInsets(context: MeasureContext, outInsets: Insets, horizontalDimensions: HorizontalDimensions)

Called during the measurement phase, before getHorizontalInsets. Both horizontal and vertical insets can be requested from this function. The final inset for a given edge of the associated Chart is the largest of the insets requested for the edge.

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Combines this ComposedChart with a Chart to create a ComposedChart.

Combines this ComposedChart and another one into a single ComposedChart.

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open override fun setBounds(left: Number, top: Number, right: Number, bottom: Number)

Sets the coordinates of the bounds to the provided values.

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open override fun updateChartValues(chartValuesManager: ChartValuesManager, model: ComposedChartEntryModel<Model>, xStep: Float?)

Updates the ChartValues stored in the provided ChartValuesManager instance to this Chart’s ChartValues.

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open override fun updateHorizontalDimensions(context: MeasureContext, horizontalDimensions: MutableHorizontalDimensions, model: ComposedChartEntryModel<Model>)

Updates the chart’s MutableHorizontalDimensions instance.