
interface Extras

An abstraction layer over Map used by MeasureContext and ChartDrawContext to store and retrieve data.

Extras are kept in memory while measuring or drawing is taking place. Afterwards, they are removed.



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abstract fun clearExtras()

Removes all stored extras.

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abstract fun <T> consumeExtra(key: Any): T

Retrieves the value of the extra with the given key, unless no such extra exists. Once the value of the extra is retrieved, the extra is removed. Use getExtra to prevent the extra from being removed.

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open operator fun <T> get(key: Any): T

Operator function for consumeExtra.

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abstract fun <T> getExtra(key: Any): T

Retrieves the value of the extra with the given key, unless no such extra exists.

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fun <T : Any> Extras.getExtraOr(key: Any, block: () -> T): T

Returns the value of the extra with the given key if such an extra exists. Otherwise, returns the result of block.

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fun <T : Any> Extras.getOrPutExtra(key: Any, block: () -> T): T

Returns the value of the extra with the given key if such an extra exists. Otherwise, returns the result of block and saves it as an extra with the given key.

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abstract fun hasExtra(key: Any): Boolean

Checks whether an extra with the given key exists.

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abstract fun putExtra(key: Any, value: Any)

Saves an extra.

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open operator fun set(key: Any, value: Any)

Operator function for putExtra.