
open class CandlestickCartesianLayer(var candles: CandlestickCartesianLayer.CandleProvider, var minCandleBodyHeightDp: Float = Defaults.MIN_CANDLE_BODY_HEIGHT_DP, var candleSpacingDp: Float = Defaults.CANDLE_SPACING_DP, var scaleCandleWicks: Boolean = false, var rangeProvider: CartesianLayerRangeProvider =, var verticalAxisPosition: Axis.Position.Vertical? = null, var drawingModelInterpolator: CartesianLayerDrawingModelInterpolator<CandlestickCartesianLayerDrawingModel.CandleInfo, CandlestickCartesianLayerDrawingModel> = CartesianLayerDrawingModelInterpolator.default()) : BaseCartesianLayer<CandlestickCartesianLayerModel>

Draws the content of candlestick charts.


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constructor(candles: CandlestickCartesianLayer.CandleProvider, minCandleBodyHeightDp: Float = Defaults.MIN_CANDLE_BODY_HEIGHT_DP, candleSpacingDp: Float = Defaults.CANDLE_SPACING_DP, scaleCandleWicks: Boolean = false, rangeProvider: CartesianLayerRangeProvider =, verticalAxisPosition: Axis.Position.Vertical? = null, drawingModelInterpolator: CartesianLayerDrawingModelInterpolator<CandlestickCartesianLayerDrawingModel.CandleInfo, CandlestickCartesianLayerDrawingModel> = CartesianLayerDrawingModelInterpolator.default())


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data class Candle(val body: LineComponent, val topWick: LineComponent = body.asWick(), val bottomWick: LineComponent = topWick)

Defines a candle style.

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the spacing between neighboring candles.

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the minimum height of the candle bodies (in dp).

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defines the x and y ranges.

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whether the candle wicks should be scaled based on the zoom factor.

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the position of the VerticalAxis with which the CandlestickCartesianLayer should be associated. Use this for independent CartesianLayer scaling.


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Prepares the CartesianLayer for a difference animation.

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open suspend override fun transform(extraStore: MutableExtraStore, fraction: Float)

Carries out the pending difference animation.

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Updates horizontalDimensions to match this CartesianLayer’s dimensions.

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Updates ranges in accordance with model.