
open class ColumnCartesianLayer(var columnProvider: ColumnCartesianLayer.ColumnProvider, var columnCollectionSpacingDp: Float = Defaults.COLUMN_COLLECTION_SPACING, var mergeMode: (ExtraStore) -> ColumnCartesianLayer.MergeMode = { MergeMode.Grouped() }, var dataLabel: TextComponent? = null, var dataLabelVerticalPosition: VerticalPosition = VerticalPosition.Top, var dataLabelValueFormatter: CartesianValueFormatter = CartesianValueFormatter.decimal(), var dataLabelRotationDegrees: Float = 0.0f, var rangeProvider: CartesianLayerRangeProvider =, var verticalAxisPosition: Axis.Position.Vertical? = null, var drawingModelInterpolator: CartesianLayerDrawingModelInterpolator<ColumnCartesianLayerDrawingModel.ColumnInfo, ColumnCartesianLayerDrawingModel> = CartesianLayerDrawingModelInterpolator.default()) : BaseCartesianLayer<ColumnCartesianLayerModel>

Displays data as vertical bars.


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constructor(columnProvider: ColumnCartesianLayer.ColumnProvider, columnCollectionSpacingDp: Float = Defaults.COLUMN_COLLECTION_SPACING, mergeMode: (ExtraStore) -> ColumnCartesianLayer.MergeMode = { MergeMode.Grouped() }, dataLabel: TextComponent? = null, dataLabelVerticalPosition: VerticalPosition = VerticalPosition.Top, dataLabelValueFormatter: CartesianValueFormatter = CartesianValueFormatter.decimal(), dataLabelRotationDegrees: Float = 0.0f, rangeProvider: CartesianLayerRangeProvider =, verticalAxisPosition: Axis.Position.Vertical? = null, drawingModelInterpolator: CartesianLayerDrawingModelInterpolator<ColumnCartesianLayerDrawingModel.ColumnInfo, ColumnCartesianLayerDrawingModel> = CartesianLayerDrawingModelInterpolator.default())


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interface ColumnProvider

Provides column LineComponents to ColumnCartesianLayers.

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sealed interface MergeMode

Defines how a ColumnCartesianLayer should draw columns in column collections.


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the spacing between neighboring column collections (in dp).

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the TextComponent for the data labels. Use null for no data labels.

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the rotation of the data labels (in degrees).

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the vertical position of each data label relative to its column’s top edge.

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defines how columns should be drawn in column collections.

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defines the x and y ranges.

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the position of the VerticalAxis with which the ColumnCartesianLayer should be associated. Use this for independent CartesianLayer scaling.


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Prepares the CartesianLayer for a difference animation.

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open suspend override fun transform(extraStore: MutableExtraStore, fraction: Float)

Carries out the pending difference animation.

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Updates horizontalDimensions to match this CartesianLayer’s dimensions.

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Updates ranges in accordance with model.