Draws vertical axes. See the BaseAxis documentation for descriptions of the inherited properties.
Houses VerticalAxis factory functions.
Defines the horizontal position of each of a vertical axis’s labels relative to the axis line.
Determines for what y values a VerticalAxis displays labels, ticks, and guidelines.
defines the horizontal position of the labels relative to the axis line.
determines for what y values the VerticalAxis displays labels, ticks, and guidelines.
defines the vertical positions of the labels relative to their ticks.
Creates a new VerticalAxis based on this one.
Draws content over the CartesianLayers.
Draws content under the CartesianLayers.
Ensures that there are sufficient horizontal CartesianLayer-area margins.
Updates the chart’s MutableCartesianLayerDimensions instance.
Ensures that there are sufficient CartesianLayer-area margins.