
class HorizontalLine(y: (ExtraStore) -> Double, line: LineComponent, labelComponent: TextComponent? = null, label: (ExtraStore) -> CharSequence = { getLabel(y(it)) }, horizontalLabelPosition: Position.Horizontal = Position.Horizontal.Start, verticalLabelPosition: Position.Vertical = Position.Vertical.Top, labelRotationDegrees: Float = 0.0f, verticalAxisPosition: Axis.Position.Vertical? = null) : Decoration

A Decoration that highlights a y value.


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constructor(y: (ExtraStore) -> Double, line: LineComponent, labelComponent: TextComponent? = null, label: (ExtraStore) -> CharSequence = { getLabel(y(it)) }, horizontalLabelPosition: Position.Horizontal = Position.Horizontal.Start, verticalLabelPosition: Position.Vertical = Position.Vertical.Top, labelRotationDegrees: Float = 0.0f, verticalAxisPosition: Axis.Position.Vertical? = null)


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open override fun drawOverLayers(context: CartesianDrawingContext)

Draws content over the CartesianLayers.

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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int