
Draws the content of line charts.


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constructor(lineProvider: LineCartesianLayer.LineProvider, pointSpacingDp: Float = Defaults.POINT_SPACING, rangeProvider: CartesianLayerRangeProvider =, verticalAxisPosition: Axis.Position.Vertical? = null, drawingModelInterpolator: CartesianLayerDrawingModelInterpolator<LineCartesianLayerDrawingModel.Entry, LineCartesianLayerDrawingModel> = CartesianLayerDrawingModelInterpolator.default())


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interface AreaFill

Draws a LineCartesianLayer line’s area fill.

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object Companion

Provides access to Line and Point factory functions.

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open class Line(fill: LineCartesianLayer.LineFill, val stroke: LineCartesianLayer.LineStroke = LineStroke.Continuous(), areaFill: LineCartesianLayer.AreaFill? = null, val pointProvider: LineCartesianLayer.PointProvider? = null, val pointConnector: LineCartesianLayer.PointConnector = PointConnector.Sharp, val dataLabel: TextComponent? = null, val dataLabelPosition: Position.Vertical = Position.Vertical.Top, val dataLabelValueFormatter: CartesianValueFormatter = CartesianValueFormatter.decimal(), val dataLabelRotationDegrees: Float = 0.0f)

Defines the appearance of a line in a line chart.

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interface LineFill

Draws a LineCartesianLayer line’s fill.

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fun interface LineProvider

Provides Lines to LineCartesianLayers.

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sealed interface LineStroke

Defines the style of a LineCartesianLayer line’s stroke.

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data class Point(component: Component, val sizeDp: Float = Defaults.POINT_SIZE)

Defines a point style.

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fun interface PointConnector

Connects a LineCartesianLayer line’s points, thus defining its shape.

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fun copy(lineProvider: LineCartesianLayer.LineProvider = this.lineProvider, pointSpacingDp: Float = this.pointSpacingDp, rangeProvider: CartesianLayerRangeProvider = this.rangeProvider, verticalAxisPosition: Axis.Position.Vertical? = this.verticalAxisPosition, drawingModelInterpolator: CartesianLayerDrawingModelInterpolator<LineCartesianLayerDrawingModel.Entry, LineCartesianLayerDrawingModel> = this.drawingModelInterpolator): LineCartesianLayer

Creates a new LineCartesianLayer based on this one.

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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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Prepares the CartesianLayer for a difference animation.

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open suspend override fun transform(extraStore: MutableExtraStore, fraction: Float)

Carries out the pending difference animation.

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Updates chartRanges in accordance with model.

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Updates dimensions to match this CartesianLayer’s dimensions.

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Ensures that there are sufficient CartesianLayer-area margins.