
Draws horizontal axes. See the BaseAxis documentation for descriptions of the inherited properties.


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object Companion

Houses HorizontalAxis factory functions.

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interface ItemPlacer

Determines for what x values a HorizontalAxis displays labels, ticks, and guidelines.


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determines for what x values the HorizontalAxis displays labels, ticks, and guidelines.

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open override val position: P

The position of the Axis.


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fun copy(line: LineComponent? = this.line, label: TextComponent? = this.label, labelRotationDegrees: Float = this.labelRotationDegrees, valueFormatter: CartesianValueFormatter = this.valueFormatter, tick: LineComponent? = this.tick, tickLengthDp: Float = this.tickLengthDp, guideline: LineComponent? = this.guideline, itemPlacer: HorizontalAxis.ItemPlacer = this.itemPlacer, size: BaseAxis.Size = this.size, titleComponent: TextComponent? = this.titleComponent, title: CharSequence? = this.title): HorizontalAxis<P>

Creates a new HorizontalAxis based on this one.

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open override fun drawOverLayers(context: CartesianDrawingContext)

Draws content over the CartesianLayers.

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open override fun drawUnderLayers(context: CartesianDrawingContext)

Draws content under the CartesianLayers.

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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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Updates the chart’s MutableCartesianLayerDimensions instance.

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open override fun updateLayerMargins(context: CartesianMeasuringContext, layerMargins: CartesianLayerMargins, layerDimensions: CartesianLayerDimensions, model: CartesianChartModel)

Ensures that there are sufficient CartesianLayer-area margins.